I have been blogging since 2011 when I was thirteen y/o and had been hiatus for years. And now I am a part-time active in blog because I miss blogging. Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy reading my post. I will constantly update my blog with interesting stuff; stories, knowledge and thought of mine.
Quick fact about me:● An introvert person and like to keep my circle small● I am quiet but not blind● Overthinking is my alter ego● Can change from optimistic to pessimistic person real quick● A potterhead and a potato girl at the same time● Eating is my mouth workout● A cat lover and I already have more than 20 cute cats in total● A science student that moved to law school but graduated as a media practitioner. Update: now my work path totally different with my edu's background *_*● In love with anything that smell like floral, fruity and the breeze of the ocean
Nice to meet you :)