Burnt Out

Assalamualaikum & hi everyone,

Yes, you can see clearly the title. I am typing right now with full of heavy, heartache and not in stable mind. I just want to rant everything here. They keep pushing me to my limit. I think this is the time for me to move on. There is no reason for me to stay here, where I am not being appreciated. 

I am giving too much effort and no ones can see that. Truly, I am too tired. Too tired… To the state that I am too tired to express and telling anyone what I feel. But at the same time I also want to be heard, but turns out no one will hear me… because at the end of the day, I am the one at the fault and will be blamed to. 

Is that I am being too emotional here? Is my feeling here is not valid? Or those mean people are right, I am not capable enough and too stupid to work there. Or am I too kind and let those people say and do what ever they want to me.

Have you ever feel that you want to go / be somewhere else. Place that no ones know who you are. A place that you will meet new people and new environments. A place that you don't need to pleased other person. Yes, I want to be there. 


  1. Hey, your feelings are valid. do what's best for your health okay.
    Burn out happens sometimes, please look after what your body and mind need okay, take care. x

  2. I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time. Your feelings are absolutely valid, and it's important to acknowledge them. It's clear that you're giving your all and not feeling appreciated in return, which is incredibly draining. It's okay to feel tired and overwhelmed, and it's perfectly normal to want to be heard and valued. Sometimes, a change of environment can provide the fresh start you need. You're not too emotional or incapable; you're a person who deserves respect and recognition. Take the time you need to care for yourself and consider what will truly make you happy. Your well-being matters. Sending virtual hug from afar. xoxo


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